Dee I’m African-American and when I was little we would …
Comment on How Often Should i Wash my Hair if I Have Dandruff? by Ajah.
I’m African-American and when I was little we would wash my hair every other weekend, but as I’ve grown up and my hormones have shifted and I work out all the time I’m finding myself having to wash my hair more often. I usually Cowash because I didn’t want the shampoo to possibly wash out too much oil. I have read type hair which just in case you don’t know what that is it means I have kinky-coily hair. I try doing chest the water method which is where you just rinse your hair and then you take the oil from your scalp and you run it down the strands of your hair because with kinky coily hair strands never really get the oil because of all the loops and turns of the coils and The Kinks. So in a way the author is semi correct. The issue is that with African-American hair you have to find what is best for your hair because of the Kinks and the coils not to mention if you have really thick hair as well. Right now I’m trying to find a happy balance with my hair and scalp. I think washing my hair every 3 days should be fine but I need to find a conditioner that’s medicated to possibly help the scalp or I’m going to have to do what someone else above had posted and just make sure that I always condition my hair after using the medicated shampoo.