8 Foods To Stop Hair Loss

8 Foods To Stop Hair Loss

8 Foods To Stop Hair Loss

Lack of iron deficiency causes hair loss. Spinach contains folate and irons. Folate helps in creation of red blood cells and iron enables these cells to carry oxygen to hair follicles thus reducing hair loss

Carrots contains many vitamins such as A, B6, B1,B3, C, K. Such vitamins help in making your hair stronger, thicker and shinier

Eggs are rich in proteins, vitamins and fatty acids that prevent hair breakage and increase hair growth . Milk contain magnesium , zinc and protein that strengthen and nourish hair cells.

Oats act as a natural cleanser by removing excess oil, dust and sebum from the scalp, thereby leaving clean and prevent hair loss.

Salmon, one of the best source for omega-3 fatty acids aid in hair growth. Loaded with proteins, vitamin B12 and minerals, t solves hair problems like dry hair, dull hair, hair thinning etc.

Consuming soaked almonds or applying as a paste on the scalp nourishes your hair. It restricts hair fall and aids in the growth of new hair follicles.

Lentils possess a lot of protein that is vital for cell growth as well as hair cells. Keratin is protein from which hair gets its structure. Lack of protein for keratin, hair become weak and grow weaker.

Chicken being rich in protein and vitamin B3 increase blood circulation in the scalp and prevent hair loss.


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