Would you recommend washing your hair a day before or the day of your hair appointment when getting your hair bleached?

Would you recommend washing your hair a day before or the day of your hair appointment when getting your hair bleached?

Ryan Burton: Actually if you’re using professional products, it’s completely fine to wash every day. And – when bleaching it truly doesn’t matter if it’s washed the day before or the day of.

River Blake: Natural oils help protect your scalp

Priscilla Hogan: So don’t wash my hair for 2 days?

River Blake: Yeah, you shouldn’t wash your hair more than 2-3 times a week anyway.

Priscilla Hogan: Yeah I wash it twice a week but just wanted to make sure.

River Blake: Well I was thinking about that and can agree but if you’re using lightener on the scalp you should still avoid washing it too close before

Ryan Burton: Hmm I’ve never heard that. I’ll have to do some research!

Jasmine Wheeler: It’s to try and not stimulate the scalp as much as possible. Before the bleach goes on

River Blake: That’s what I’ve been taught and do for myself- I’m super sensitive though! I’m not saying have dirty, product filled hair. A wash with some leave in a few days before is in my opinion perfect before a lightening service. It it were a color service I’d absolutely say clean hair.

Emery Hamilton: Yeah the natural oils from your scalp help protect your Hair! So that’s why some say it’s better to not wash also I see you said you only wash 2-3 times a week that’s great you should use a wet brush to detangle then a boar bristle brush it helps bring the natural oils down from your scalp through your Hair strands.

Ryan Burton: Thank you ladies!! Been doing hair for almost 8 years and wasn’t taught that! You learn something new every day ?

Emery Hamilton: Before bleaching just make sure it’s cleansed a few days before at least no products on it.

River Blake: I learn all the time on these forums, I love it!

Brooklyn Nguyen: Don’t want it too greesy as it will act as a barrier but not too clean as the natural oils protect your hair

Brooklyn Nguyen: Try having no product in your hair as well as that may slow the process down

Ricardo Diaz: Please! Make sure you have CLEAN hair. The product would have to work through the grease and dirt other wise. The whole natural oils protect your sclap, a bit of dirt helps the colour, went down with the ark ???

Amaya Garrett::


Amaya Garrett: The only time u shouldn’t wash ur hair before a hair appointment is if ur getting it styled or an updo. DO NOT put coconut oil on it before any chemical service it will create a barrier to lift through. Coconut oil also clogs up the hair follicle and can prevent hair growth.

Kenneth Logan: Nope I’m a pro and also am a scalp bleach. My scalp is pretty tolerant but I’d suggest at least two days before ? unless it’s us absolutely filthy should you wash the day before

Valentina Rice: I tell my on scalp bleach/root relightening clients that clean (with minimal/lightweight product, preferably no product) hair with 1-2 days of natural oil is okay. It minimizes the itch the lightener causes as it’s processing. The closer to your appointment that you shampoo before lightening on scalp, the more you will notice that itch.

Mya Strickland: It doesn’t really matter as far as a day or two. Don’t come in with greasy hair but don’t vigorously scrub your scalp the day of the service too.

Priscilla Hogan: So my appointment is next Saturday in the morning. Would it be okay to shower Thursday night?

Amaya Garrett: Yes just make sure u dont use a lot of styling products in it before having it lightened

Priscilla Hogan: Okay thank you

Helen Ball: No In the Philippines at least no washing for 48 hours Or if hair with synthetic oil we perform flat hand shampooing

Noah Norris: Bleach all over? Like on the scalp? Or just foils? If you are going to be bleached on the scalp and wash it day of, you will strip natural oils and agitate the skin and your scalp will burn/sting more.

Cameron Banks: That’s too soon. It’s best if its 2-3 days before. The natural oils from your scalp will protect your skin and yoi can brush them down to your hair and get even more protection

Ruth Bishop: Yes! Please! Dirty hair makes it hard for the color/lightener to penetrate the hair. Do not come with 7 day hair

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