DIY Scalp Moisturizer In 5 Easy Steps

DIY Scalp Moisturizer In 5 Easy Steps

DIY Scalp Moisturizer In 5 Easy Steps

1. If your scalp is itchy & dry or you have noticed white flakes on your shoulders, it needs moisturizing.

You will only spend 2 to 3 minutes every other week massaging this moisturizer into your scalp


  1. olive oil (2 table spoon)
  2. Coconut Oil (1 table spoon)
  3. Caster Oil (1 table spoon)

Put two tablespoons of olive oil in a cup or even a small bowl add one table spoon coconut oil and one tablespoon castor oil

2. Essential Oil

  1. Lavender Oil ( drops)
  2. Tea Tree Oil (3 drops)
  3. Rosemary Oil (3 drops)

After stirring the mixture add 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil as well as 3 drops of rosemary oil and stir thoroughly.

3. Heat Mixture:
Heat the mixture using the microwave for around five minutes or at least until you obtain a warm, not hot mixture.

4. Scalp Massage:
Divide your hair into different sections and then massage the mixture of essential oils into your scalp.

5. Rinse & Wash:

  • Let the oil rest on your scalp for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Then rinse the moisturizer from the scalp and then wash your hair using a moisturizing shampoo.


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