Does anyone straighten their hair? Is it recommended to do on this program? Thanks!

Does anyone straighten their hair? Is it recommended to do on this program? Thanks!

Danielle Shoup: I used to, I had to my hair got so frizzy. But after about 9 months I didn’t have to anymore, my hair is straight all by its self

Suzanne Diaz de Sandi: From what I understand, the no-poo/low-poo method is simply how you wash your hair and moving away from harsh chemicals. But if you have questions on straightening your hair using heat, I have seen posts from others who do use it. You can do a search on the left hand side and enter in your search terms. Hope that helps.

Stephanie Kujawa: Much appreciated!

Suzanne Diaz de Sandi: When i did a search on Hair straightening, it came up with posts about others who still do it, and tips on how to move away from heat.

Mayeli Gonzalez Jorge: When I straighten my hair, it gets greasy by next day. So now I do it like once a month.

Ashley SJ Haley: That happens to me too! I wonder why?

Jill Gonzalez: The heat can produce and move sebum ?

Rachel Broadbent: It’s also easier and quicker for sebum to travel down the hair shaft if there are no obstacles, i.e. straight as opposed to curly

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